
Monday 30 December 2013

Quiche, Pies and Tarts Part 2- a workshop

Sitting in Sharjah, I open my blog to publish my new post and find everything in Arabic and everything reading from right to left. It took me quite a few tries and Google translation to finally publish this!!

A brand new year is around the corner, here's wishing everyone a fantastic 2014. Me, I'm rushing headlong into work, or rather, workshops, after a fantastic holiday. Batteries fully charged.

So my new year begins with an amend- I was to do this workshop in May, but it never happened and I guess now is as good a time as any- part 2 of the Quiche, Pies and Tarts workshop.

On the menu : A healthy spinach pie, tandoori chicken and paneer tart, pastry topped chicken and mushroom tart and lemon tart slices. And , of course, how to make a shortcrust pastry that's light and yet tender.

On January 4th, at Kottivakkam, 10.30am-2.30pm.

Monday 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Finally the  fruit cakes are done. But what's Christmas without a few cookies for Santa? Oat cookies laden with cranberries and nuts, and of course, iced lebkuchen- traditional German cookies sweetened with honey and quite similar in taste to gingerbread :p

 Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2014 from my home to yours. Have a great holiday season. 

Friday 13 December 2013

Things that go crackle, click in the night

It was a dark and wet night. Rain clouds hung low in the sky, the wind whipped through the branches of the trees making swishing sounds. The taxi stopped in front of the house and I got out, avoiding the puddles in the potholes. The building was in darkness, the gate wide open. My neighbours were out, maybe even for the night. I paid the driver who solicitously asked me if I needed help. Thanking him for his concern, I told him I could manage and walked into the compound, hoping no one was hiding in the shadows. Maybe I should have asked him to wait till I got into the house.

I let myself in, switched on the lights, shut and locked the front door behind me. I had just finished a baking workshop, 2 bags full of baking trays and other paraphernalia that had been used and now needed to be washed, dried and put away, awaited my attention. And when it was all over, I switched on the TV to unwind before going to bed.

Just in time to watch a paranormal movie. I love watching scary movies, they are never scary enough for me. I usually watch them alone as neither the husband nor the son likes to watch them. But that night, with no other soul at home, the movie seemed just a little bit scarier.

The movie finished a little after 1am. I got up to switch off the TV when the lights began to flicker, at the same time, there was a cracking sound behind me. It took me a few second to realise that it was from the fridge. Twice a day, it goes through a resting phase and makes these weird sounds.  No two sounds are ever the same.

Then, clicking sounds from my son's room. Pulling myself together, I went up to the doorway and stood there. Everything was still and silent. Walking back to the living room, I heard it again. Goosebumps all over my arms, I tiptoed back to the doorway. Silence again, the ghostly light from the wifi equipment was the only illumination in the room. Click click!! Good heavens, it was the stupid UPS... gosh, I just hoped the power wouldn't go off with all the fluctuations. I got into bed and then heard a window banging in the wind. Got up again, bolted it shut and by then, fed up, tired and a little jumpy, I left the lights on and went to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, I felt quite foolish- the light was still on when suddenly, it went off. Cold fingers of fear gripped my heart... then the realisation it was the morning power cut.

Well, no more scary movies for me, at least for a while.

I had to cook that day and the contents of my freezer were not particularly interesting- a tray of boneless chicken and a tub of tomato paste. And in the fridge, half a carton of cream. Further rummaging unearthed some peeled garlic cloves and an onion. And in half an hour, my chicken was ready and for a dish that had so few ingredients, the result was simply delicious.

Here's the recipe for chicken in creamy tomato sauce. Throw in some sliced mushrooms, if that tickles your fancy. Serve it with herb rice, bread or even spaghetti. Err...I know it's a weird name for a fab dish, if anyone has a better idea, do let me know.

Chicken in creamy tomato sauce

450 gm boneless chicken, cut in chunks
1 onion, cut into chunks
5 cloves garlic, diced roughly
1 teaspoon ginger garlic paste
1 star anise
6 pimento
3 tablespoons tomato paste or puree(not ground tomatoes)
100 ml cream
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in a skillet, put in the star anise and pimento, followed by the onions.
When just turning golden, stir in garlic and ginger garlic paste.
Put in the chicken chunks, saute till the colour changes and the meat browns around the edges.
Stir in the tomato paste, season to taste, cover and cook till the chicken is done.
Stir in the cream, remove dish from heat just before it comes to a boil.

Monday 2 December 2013

Christmas Bakes @ Gormei Market

CHRISTMAS BAKES -- A baking workshop with Sara Koshy at Gormei Market, this Satuday !! To register call 4217 2228/4217 2229 or email at Limited seats only !!

On the agenda:

1. Iced Fig & Fruit XMas Cupcakes
2. Nut & Raisin Chocolate Tarts
3. Cut Out Cookies
4. Cranberry Oat Cookies


Gormei Market, 6, CIT Colony, 2nd Main Road, Mylapore, Chennai.

Date: December 7th, 2013 (Saturday)

Time: 2-5 PM

Cost: Rs.899/Participant

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Apple, pear, fig and plum crostada

This is a post I wrote for Masterchef Monday on the Home Baker's Guild. 
Hang on tight, it's a long ride. 

Raised and schooled in Singapore, followed by 6 years of college education and hostel life in Madras, it was marriage that took me to the township of Ramachandrapuram, on the outskirts of Hyderabad city some 30 years ago. Living at the back of beyond, trying to run a home and an almost nonexistent kitchen, was quite something else, culture shock is too mild a term. A kitchen with no sink, running water at odd hours, no gas and not one but 2 kerosene stoves! Early on, I understood how important it was to keep the wicks trimmed so the flame would burn blue, there would be less pot scrubbing to do later. Still, no amount of French perfume could mask the unmistakable smell of kerosene on one’s hands. Ahh, the travails of a quintessential party girl!!

What did I miss the most? Definitely the oven at home. I had collected a whole sheaf of recipes for cakes, breads and cookies, thinking I could carry on with baking in my spare time but Hyderabad found me with lots of spare time and no oven.

Then my husband’s colleague lent me her “round oven”. Something was better than nothing but after a point, I got fed up with the little I could do with it.

Around that time, my mother in law decided to donate her secondhand oven to me. She lived in Ranchi where the power situation those days was pathetic. She had given up all hope of baking as anything put into the oven ever baked to completion. Neither she nor I ever realized the direction my life would take from that decision onward.

One evening, we received a note from a transport company to say that we were to pick up a consignment from their office. And there it was- in a big crate. A friend helped us get it home and husband and I set about opening it. Slowly, the small compact tabletop oven within was revealed, ironically named Jackson Giant. A bit battered and bruised, and weighing a ton, I loved it nonetheless. Despite its size, it could fit two 9”x 13” pans on the 2 racks. It had a baffle plate for toast, a plate warmer on one side and an enormous electric hob on top which my husband promptly disconnected. I quickly measured out flour, butter, sugar and eggs, intending to do a test bake.

We removed all the packing material from inside and then plugged it in and switched it on. The next second, there was an almighty THUP and the husband and I found ourselves sitting in pitch darkness. The house fuse had blown!! Marrying an electrical engineer has its perks- he repaired the fuse and a quick check with a multimeter revealed the fault was with the wiring of the oven and not with the oven itself. Phew! I could live with that!

By the next evening, he set right everything and got the oven up and running.

I loved baking apple pies and somewhere along the way, crostadas became a favourite. A crostada is nothing but a free form pie.

My recipe for apple, pear, fig and plum crostada has a secret ingredient which makes it absolutely delicious- thickened condensed milk. Google and HBG abounds with experiments on home made dulce de leche. If you’re not confident of doing it in a pressure cooker, do it my way- in the microwave.

Apple, pear, fig and plum crostada (makes 1 pie)

180 gm plain flour
¼ teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons sugar
90 gm unsalted butter, cold and cubed
2 egg yolks beaten with 2 tablespoons water
Iced water to mix

½ a can sweetened condensed milk
2 apples- Granny Smith is fine
1 large China pear
1 large purple plum
2 figs

Open a can of condensed milk, pour half the contents into a large microwave safe glass dish, cover the top with cling film and fold back a corner. 
Microwave on high for 2 minutes, stir with a whisk and microwave for a minute or so more if necessary. It should still be a little runny. Cool to room temperature. 

Sift flour and salt into a bowl, add in the sugar.
Rub in the butter till the mix resembles breadcrumbs.
Make a well in the centre of the bowl, pour in the yolk and water mixture and mix lightly to form a dough.
Add a little more water, in drops, if necessary so the dough comes together does not crack when pressed.
Wrap the dough in cling film and chill for about ½ hour.

For ease of handling, place a sheet of plastic on a worktop.
Dust it lightly and roll out the pastry into an 11” circle. Don’t worry if it isn't a perfect round but it should be of an even thickness.
Place a large sheet of greaseproof paper over the pastry and flip the whole thing over.
Remove the plastic sheet.

Drizzle a little of the thickened condensed milk on the base, leaving clear a margin of 1½” all around the edge.
Peel and cut the apples and pears into chunks, stone the plums, slice them, also the figs.
Mix all the fruits in a bowl, place them on the pastry, spreading them out.
Drizzle the remaining thick milk over the fruits.
Fold the pastry over, pleat it down where it sticks up.
All dressed up for the oven

Lift the paper and place it on a 10” baking sheet, bake at 200ºC for the first 15 minutes then lower the heat to 180ºC for another 20-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden coloured.
Remove the crostada carefully onto a wire rack to cool.
Serve in wedges hot, warm or cold and with ice cream if you feel you deserve the extra calories.

Or with a custard.

In case you have a smaller capacity oven, just make half the recipe. Or even 2 small ones.
In case you do not want to use eggs in the pastry, you can leave them out. 

Bon appetit!

Apple, pear, fig and plum crostada

Friday 22 November 2013

A birthday in God's own country

A 90th birthday is a special one. In the recent past, we've celebrated birthdays of nonagenarian uncles and aunts and a week ago, it was the turn of my father in law. Hence, the necessity of a trip to Kerala.

I am a terrible traveller. Even for a 2 day trip, I pack as if I am moving house. It's the monsoon season, what if washed clothes don't dry? Ok, pack 2 more sets. And footwear - one pair to wear in the train, one to wear at home, one to wear outside the home, one to wear in case I decide to go shopping. And please don't get me started on the contents of my dressing table drawer...

But this time, there was an additional package- the birthday cake. My father in law loves a good chocolate cake. Of course it wasn't practical to carry a fully decorated cake on a train. A friend had once carried a cake I'd baked for his daughter's first birthday by train and enroute, accidentally sat on it. So this cake was baked, packed into a well padded box, along with the icing, nozzles, icing bags and a spatula.

The distance from Chennai to Kottayam is about 750 kilometers, the superfast train covers the distance in nearly 12 hours. Since my husband and I boarded the train in the night, there was nothing much to see from the windows of the airconditioned coach. But the next morning, I was able to click a few pictures.

The lush green of Kerala's landscape, everyone grows tapioca, coconut and banana plants in their backyard, during the season, these waterlogged patches will become paddy fields.

Rubber trees, the  early morning stillness of a river 

Arriving at Kottayam station, we were met by the birthday boy as well as my sister in law who, deciding to surprise us all with her unexpected presence, had flown in from Dubai the previous day.

We stopped for breakfast at Aariyas Restaurant, a ritual started and faithfully followed for the past 12 years by f-i-l, a big treat especially for our children when they were younger. They still look forward to this.

Dosas and piping hot coffee at Aariyas

It was a short drive home and after after dumping our luggage, we walked across a small patch of grass to visit dad's brother who lived next door. He had celebrated his birthday a couple of days earlier.

We took a quick walk around both the compounds. Lots of trees and these -

A still green pineapple, abundance of bananas and ripening mulberries

So then it was decided that we would organise a birthday lunch but before that, I had a cake to decorate. It was indeed a challenge- being out of my comfort zone. With an improvised turntable, background chatter and unwanted advice offered freely by the husband and sis in law, I managed to decorate the cake without too much of a hassle.

Lunch would be Malabar style biryani and karimeen polichatu. Karimeen is pearl spot, a bony fish that inhabits the Kerala backwaters. Pollichathu is the style of cooking. We were advised to order it from Karimpin Taste Land, a nearby restaurant that specialises in seafood. (

The restaurant had mat enclosed huts which afforded privacy to the patrons. We were led to a waiting area as ours was take out. They were kind enough to allow me to their kitchen where I watched the chef prepare the fish.

The fish had been marinated earlier so into a big cauldron (urali) full of of coconut oil, the cook lowered the masala (curry paste) coated fish. He let it cook on one side, then turned it around and dropped in handfuls of sliced shallots. The shallots were frying on one side, the fish on the other side (told you it was a big cauldron).

Fish in the cauldron

When the fish was done, the cook fished it out and placed it on a broad strip of banana leaf. More sliced shallots were dropped into the oil, a second fish was taken out.

Then an amazing process - with his ladle, he skimmed the top of the oil and lifted out a layer of cooked curry paste. I hadn't seen him putting it in so it must have come off the fish as it was frying. One side of the fish was coated with the paste, then he fished out some of the fried shallots, dropped it over the paste, turned the fishes over and repeated it.

When it was over, he covered the fish with the rest of the banana leaf, put it on a flat pan and lit a fire underneath to bake it a little. And that was it - he placed it on a plate garnished with tomato slices and the fish made its way to the diner who had ordered it. The whole process had taken less than 10 minutes.

Fish with curry paste, covered with the leaf and getting baked

And this was the amazing lunch we had - Malabar style chicken biryani and karimeen pollichathu.

But before that, we sang the birthday song and got the birthday boys to cut the cake.

I bugged an aunt to give me the recipe for this yummy fish so here goes-

Karimeen Pollichathu

2 palm sized karimeen or pomfret
1/4 teaspoon chilli powder
1/2  teaspoon pepper powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Masala (curry) paste
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder(more if you like it hotter)
1/2 teaspoon whole mustard
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons coriander powder
40 shallots
1" piece ginger, chopped fine
10 cloves garlic, chopped fine
2 green chillies, chopped fine(optional)
2 tomatoes, finely diced
1 sprig curry leaves
1 teaspoon vinegar(opt)
Salt to taste
2 banana leaves or aluminium foil for wrapping

Scale and clean the fish well, leaving the head and tail intact.
Make 3 gashes across the fish on both sides.
Mix together chilli, pepper and turmeric powders, spread over both sides of the fish and leave to marinate for about half an hour.
Thinly slice half the shallots, finely dice the rest.
Grind the chilli powder, mustard, turmeric and coriander powders with a little water, keep aside.

Hold the banana leaves over an open flame to let them wilt. Remove from flame.
Heat 2 cups oil in a wok, fry the fish lightly on both sides, remove and place each on a banana leaf.
Remove half the oil, fry the sliced shallots till golden, remove onto a kitchen towel to drain.
Remove all but 3 tablespoons oil, saute the diced onions, ginger, garlic and green chillies for about 7 minutes along with the curry leaves.
At this point, add the ground chilli powder paste and the tomatoes, saute till most of the water evaporates and the oil starts separating.
Season to taste, the curry paste should be thick. Add the vinegar if you need a little more acidity.
Smear half the curry paste over one side of both fish, sprinkle half the fried shallots over, turn the fish over and repeat the process with the remaining paste and fried shallots.
Wrap the fish well in the leaves, place on a baking tray, bake in a preheated 180°C oven for about 30 minutes.
Serve hot.

And I do hope your fish looks as good as this one.

*You could wrap the fish in aluminium foil in case banana leaves are not available.

Monday 18 November 2013

An Awadhi evening

Right, I'll admit it upfront - I don't know much about North Indian food. I had to google to find the subtle (and some not so subtle) differences between various NI cuisines. But food is a universal language of communication, well prepared food speaks its own language and has its own syntax. The one thing I am certain about is that my spell check will go crazy by the end of this post.

The ongoing Awadhi food festival at Keys hotel Katti-Ma ( Thiruvanmiyur was the reason for this sudden need for food education, especially as the hotel is located in the neighbourhood. The festivities happen at the Keys Cafe, a charming space, and at the flower motif-ed entrance, service staff dressed Awadh style welcomed us with the traditional application of attar (perfumed oil) on our wrists.

The buffet was neatly laid out, beginning with some very un-Awadhi salads. We were told that some diners preferred the regular menu and so this was for their benefit.

We started the meal with murgh galauti kebab. Served with mint chutney, the kebab was melt in the mouth tender. Just the way toothless nawab wanted it, I guess. The spices were subtle and well balanced, the meat was definitely the hero. Then there was a plate of paneer dhungara tikka- soft, well marinated paneer pieces.  They would have tasted better if they were hot. Along with the kebabs, we had sheermal and ulti tawa ka paratha. The sesame studded sheermal was not too sweet but our favourite was definitely the ulti paratha. It was the perfect accompaniment to the kebabs.

Paneer dhungara kabab, murgh galauti kebab, ulti tawa ka paratha, sheermal

The soup on offer was murgh hara dhaniya shorba. Light and flavourful, spicy with a hint of coriander.  

Dal rohili, mewa pulao, kaju kumbh makhana

Dal rohili, made with urad dal,  looked interesting, opening the cover of the chaffing dish, the aroma was unbelievable. It was a match made in heaven with the mewa pulao. I particularly liked the kaju kumbh makhana, beautifully cooked mushrooms studded with cashew halves. Simply yummy!!

Ambali paneer, gajar makkai ki tarkari

The ambali paneer with the diamond shaped paneer pieces was tempting, the richness of the cashewnut paste added to the thickness of the gravy but I left it to my son to pronounce the verdict- delicious. There was also a gajar makkai ki tarkari- a dish of carrots and corn. Both my son and I gave it  miss- we are unabashed non vegetarians.

Murgh awadhi biryani, dum ka gosht

Murgh awadhi biryani was definitely the star of the evening. Fragrant, flavourful, hints of rosewater, saffron, each grain of rice separate but beautifully moist. And the perfect accompaniment had to be the dum ka gosht, tender pieces of lamb cooked in a plethora of spices, nuts, cream. Oh those Awadhs sure know how to make you forget your diet plans. And yes, there was also a tamatari machili made with basa fillets- not our fish of choice.

Tamatari machili, accompaniments for the biryani

And now, time for

The desserts on display included carrot halwa, zafrani kheer and siwai ki muzafar. All three were delicious, studded with slivers of almonds and pistachios. The kheer was outstanding, the flavour of saffron was a subtle hint rather than a bold statement.

Carrot halwa, zafrani kheer, siwai ki muzafar

I think the chef was suitably impressed with all the photographs I was taking that he brought me a bowl  of his special dessert - halwa-e-gosht. Ok, that was a bit of a shock - a dessert with meat? I must admit this took a bit of courage to try, not to mention the glass of water I had to drink to cleanse my palate. The water was also to buy some time as the chef was waiting for my...err...reaction/comment?


Finely ground lamb cooked with khoa and mildly sweet. An unusual combination, rich, yes, at the same time,  savory notes playing on my tongue. Looks like the old Lucknow cooks knew a thing a two about fusion food!!

I think for me, it was a good introduction to Awadhi cuisine. The dishes were rich, mildly spiced, each of them had a unique flavour. Service was unobtrusive, but it did take some time for our plates to be cleared. Piped music added to the ambiance of a leisurely meal.

There are other un-Awadh dishes at the extensive buffet spread, just in case someone likes something else. There was a little boy who came in with his parents, looked at the dishes and then pronounced that he would love to have the noodles.

The Awadhi dinner buffet, inclusive of a glass of wine/ mug of beer is priced at Rs.600+ taxes if you choose to go on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. The weekday buffet is Rs. 400+ taxes.

The festival is on till Sunday November 24th.

Here's a helpful tip- skip lunch and indulge at the fest.

Monday 11 November 2013

At the grill- a workshop

It's almost the end of the year and the everyone's gearing up for a season of entertaining family and friends. What could bring about a more convivial atmosphere than a grill party. Nothing could be simpler than marinating meats and vegetables and at party time, everyone has a go at the grill. Hot food, minimum fuss.

At the upcoming grill workshop, you don't need a state of the art grill and the works or any fancy equipment. Well, you could use them if that's what you want Santa to bring you this Christmas.  All you would need is an oven (not strictly necessary), and a few pans.  

So what's on the menu? Sweet chilli prawns, barbequed chicken, Moroccan chicken, chicken teriyaki skewers, lamburgers and grilled chicken with yoghurt and lime. Also rosti and a big bowl of salad.

At Kottivakkam, on November 16th, 10.30am - 2.30pm.

Monday 4 November 2013

At the Creating Cakes workshop

What does one do after baking a cake?

Eat it, of course.

At the Creating Cakes workshop, these were the beauties that were made and demolished in no time at all:

Checkerboard cake with white chocolate buttercream
Raspberry charlotte cake, since we couldn't get strawberries!
Red velvet cake with a creamy, dreamy, tangy frosting 
A luscious baked dark chocolate terrine with raspberry coulis

Deliciousness in every bite.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Lunch at Her Name Is Ming

My 100th blog post and I'm thrilled as the brief was to review the ongoing Pan Asian Street Food promotion at Her Name Is Ming.

This unusual name evokes the usual question- who is Ming? Well, Her Name Is Ming is the Asian restaurant at President Hotel on Radhakrishna Salai.

Chef Shivajee has done many things since he came back to Chennai from Singapore. And it's good to know that he's in charge here. Asian food is his forte and I was curious to see how authentic he would go in this setting.

The restaurant itself is located towards the back of the hotel, a quiet place and I love the soothing blues of the interiors. For some reason, whenever I step in, it reminds me of being in a birdcage, minus the noise of course.

And I love the the lush accents too.

The 2 page menu was all about typical street food - roti John, satay, popiah, chee cheong fun, murtabak, mee goreng, chicken rice, kway teow.  Ok ok, got only one stomach, choose well.

And so, for starters, we opted for roti John, chicken satay and chee cheong fun.

Roti John is mince meat, onions and egg slathered over half a baguette which is plonked face down on a griddle and cooked. It was served with tomato sauce and a pepper mayonnaise. I usually avoid tomato sauce, however this dish needed a little pep and zing.
The satay was cooked to perfection. Chef has a satay grill and the meat had the aroma of hawker style satay though the marinade lacked the flavour of lemongrass. It was served with lontong - compressed rice cakes, cucumber, onion slices and a tangy peanut sauce.

Chee cheong fun is part of a dim sum set, a translucent steamed rice roll, sliced and served with a dipping sauce and fried shallots. This one didn't have the traditional translucency but then again, the flavour was all there. It was a vegetarian rendition, sesame oil, soya and hoisin sauces adding their subtle notes.

For mains, we had nasi kandar, the Malay version of a thali- a bowl of steamed rice, lamb rendang, ayam masak lemak(chicken in coconut milk), assam pedas(fish in tamarind sauce), stir fried vegetable, prawn sambal and achar(veg pickle). The rendang was outstanding, the lamb could have been a little more tender. The chicken was well cooked, redolent with the flavour of lemongrass, the gravy the perfect accompaniment for rice. The stir fry with its hint of sesame oil was a winner. The fish was disappointing, the prawn sambal while good, lacked the hit that a bit of belachan (prawn paste) could have given it. The achar could have done with a bit more acidity which would have cut down on the richness of the coconut milk.

Another main was the mee siam- thin rice noodles in tamarind chilli sauce. With the accompaniments of boiled egg, tofu, beansprouts and prawns. Spot on with the flavours and my personal favourite.

The char kway teow came highly recommended. Now, when you see calamansi limes, you know that's the real deal. Chef had a secret ingredient in this dish- chicken lap cheong( Chinese sausages). Our dish also had prawns and chicken strips, and the slightly charred flavour. The flat and the thin rice noodles were perfectly cooked and springy, but again the belachan was missing. I do understand belachan is an alien flavour for the Indian palate- it has even been mistaken for toxic gas leak.

Stuffed to the gills, we had to try the chendol. My eternal gratitude to the chef- all it had was coconut milk, bits of ice, jaggery syrup and worms- not really! The green stuff is made from mung bean flour, cooked and passed through a sieve into iced water where the paste falls in shreds. I so dislike anything else in my chendol. Though I did miss the date palm jaggery that would have given it a flavour more akin to the original.

Would we go back? In a heartbeat. About the best Asian food at Chennai right now.
The service is impeccable, Chinese tea was served throughout the meal.

A meal for 2 would cost about Rs. 2500/- and that's a lot cheaper than catching a flight to any Asian destination. And like us, you will be stuffed to the gills.

The Asian Street Food promotion is on till November 15th.

The restaurant has now shut down.